experimental App concept v.001

.cali k9 training
  .dog workout app

Prepared by rndy.io // Concept for Cali K9 - 2021


dog training, like a workout

Learn the most useful commands
Get tips on how to teach Sit, Down, Stay, Recall, Heel and much more to develop a well-mannered dog.
Build a training practice
We are what we repeatedly do. Do a few workouts a day and learn how to structure a proper training practice throughout your dog's life.
Train anywhere
As you become competent, you'll move from distraction-free environments, to anywhere you and your dog may go.
Practice the commands
Treat each training session like a workout to build mind- and muscle-memory with your dog. Each exercise shows looping GIFs for your convenience.
Make your own routine
Though you start out by following the "workouts", the goal is for you to learn how to improvise your own training sessions to keep your dog excited.

Dog Training, like a workout

Learn the most useful commands
Get tips on how to teach Sit, Down, Stay, Recall, Heel and much more to develop a well-mannered dog.
Practice the commands
Treat each training session like a workout to build mind- and muscle-memory with your dog. Each exercise shows looping GIFs for your convenience.
Build a training practice
We are what we repeatedly do. Do a few workouts a day and learn how to structure a proper training practice throughout your dog's life.
Make your own routine
Though you start out by following the "workouts", the goal is for you to learn how to improvise your own training sessions to keep your dog excited.
Train anywhere
As you become competent, you'll move from distraction-free environments, to anywhere you and your dog may go.